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Reigne Adrian Portrait


I am an artist from Galena, Illinois, with a bachelor’s degree in studio art from Iowa State University. Having grown up in a small rural town, most of my time was spent running through the woods and playing in creek beds or ponds. A fascination with the natural world was instilled in me from a young age, with my earliest companions being the family dog, stray cats, walking sticks and earthworms. 

My artwork reflects and takes inspiration from a life surrounded by plants and animals. I enjoy rendering the small details that make up the larger picture - spending hours texturing fur, scales, and tree bark. It is in the details that I find the most satisfaction. 


Along with laboring over detailed renderings of my subjects, I spend hours researching them. Nature documentaries are one of my favorite ways to learn about new animals, and they provide great imagery to sketch while watching. As a child I would watch “The Life of Mammals” by David Attenborough, which my grandma or dad would rent for me from the public library, nearly every night before bed.


Another interest of mine is folklore, symbolisms, myths & legends. Almost everything has a symbolic meaning or a fantastical belief surrounding it. During my long commutes to Iowa State University, I would listen to the Myths and Legends podcast by Jason & Carissa Weiser. Through their podcast, I learned about different stories from all kinds of cultures. This inspired me to not just look at the scientific information surrounding my subjects but to also look at the cultural beliefs and symbolisms they carry. 


Ultimately, my goal with my work is to inspire a fascination with and an appreciation for nature. I want people to look at the amazing and wonderful things we share our planet with and notice all those little details. Through that, I hope people feel compelled to learn more, respect and protect the natural world.

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©2021 by Reigne Adrian.

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